zo 30 jul
|Den Haag
Sacred Cacao Ceremony and Storytelling
Get tickets through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sacred-cacao-ceremony-story-telling-registration-678424374567?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=PAAaZh3TEXKx0SpejxmlBMxyknKsolRmeQAAqrVXDEgerBMhwHQz3Y5gxVUCA_aem_ASyu7NjF2IugrydFuA1P986EyUnNDUIv7A-djw_V1lOdUrEp_nhSA-epe1bt3FlPi80
Time and Location
30 jul 2023, 16:00 – 18:30
Den Haag, Stille Veerkade 25, 2512 BE Den Haag, Nederland
About the Event
Integration: How to awaken the divine God within yourself
We are honored to have Mr. Terra Norihiro Terazawa, a captivating storyteller from Japan, as our esteemed space holder.
Please bring your own bottled water, yoga mat, and, most importantly, an open mind and heart as we embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery through the sacred cacao elixir and the magical power of storytelling.
During the ceremony, we will begin by opening and consecrating the space with prayer, invoking the spirit of cacao, and sharing in the ceremonial drinking of cacao together. We will then engage in short breathing exercises to relax and focus our bodies and minds.
Guided by Mr. Terra's captivating storytelling and accompanied by the celestial sound shower healing by Mr. Hilario, we will embark on a profound inner journey.
Following our journey, we will come together for a sharing session, accompanied by delightful tea, fruits, and snacks.
This ceremony is designed to provide a gentle yet deep healing experience, nurturing our emotional and mental well-being. It allows us to gain a deeper understanding of our inner dialogue, senses, and reactions to the world around us.
Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the sacred cacao elixir ceremony and storytelling event. It promises to be a truly magical and transformative experience!